We need your help!

“Let Each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Cor. 9:7

Facility Fundraiser

Vassal Ministries needs to expand it’s facilities. With the same space being used for aircraft maintenance and repair, aircraft storage, and vehicle/equipment maintenance there simply isn’t sufficient space to do it all. When the winter season rolls around it’s critical to have aircraft stored out of the snow and ready to fly rather than iced up and snowed in when a flight is needed. But this same space can’t be used for everything at once! Help us get the funds needed to expand our facilities.

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“For the body is not one member, but many.” 1 Corintians 12:14

Our work as believers is not to be done alone. The missionary journeys of the early church were aided by the prayers and gifts of churches. In the fourth chapter of Philippians, Paul commended the Philippian church for giving and thereby sharing in the blessings of the ministry. The Colossians also were commended for their love for the saints.

As members of the greater Church we have the opportunity to take part in ministry and share the blessings as we aid one another in the work of the gospel. Just as the feet help move the body where it needs to go and the hand brings food to the mouth, each part has a distinction and yet reliance upon one another.

Vassal Ministries needs partners who are willing to volunteer their time, talents and/or resources to further the gospel in Alaska. How has God equipped you?